1.machinery manufacturing technology is the most important technology appliedinprocessing operation。 制造技术是应用于加工工序的最重要的的一门技术。
2.metal cutting technology is the technology etry needed.the movements include main movement and feed movement. 金属切削技术是利用各种不同的加工方法去除工件材料,获得最终所需的几何形状。
4.production operation is the processing step in nibus or coach), the pared to real manufacturing because it is just a virtual realization of product designing, developing and manufacturing in computer. the advantage of utilizing vm is feated machine that is created to duplicate one or more physical capabilities of a person. 实际上,机器人基本上是一种高度自动化的机器,他可以模仿人的一个或多个身体动作。
23.automobile is a self-propelled vehicle used for travel on land. the term is commonly applied to a four-wheeled vehicle designed to carry two to six passengers and a limited amount of cargo, as contrasted with (与比较) a truck, which is designed primarily for the transportation of goods and is constructed with larger and heavier parts, or a bus (or o
1、it is difficult to the point ofimpossibility for the average reader under theage of forty to imagine a time promised. 细节也许不得而知,但是对于资本市场正常运转至关重要的准则制定者的独立性正在面临妥协(被弱化)。
9、and dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of bankspete not only a broad range of factorsbeyondconventionalpaid media. 如今消费者做出购买决定的过程表明:市场营销的影响(效果) 源自于除了传统付费媒体之外的很多因素。
15、the same dramatic technological changes that haveprovided marketers e small, subconscious pany has done precisely munity, the interaction and confrontation between shared andcompeting beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an inpiduals discovery claim into the communitys credible discovery. 在发现声明通过科学界的逐级审查过程中,与该发现相容或相悖的理论会相互作用或相互对抗,(最终),个人的发现声明转化为(被)整个科学界所认可的科学发现。
24、politicians have repeatedlybackloaded public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especiallypensions that are already generous. 政治家们不断变相提高公共部门员工的收入, 使工资增幅看起来不大, 但却增加了节假日和本来就已经不菲的养老金。